We designed a dashboard to display performance metrics so engineers
could quickly review data and errors at a glance. There will be 3
different visuals for the Performance pages: Chlorine Generated,
Device State, and Indicator Summary.
The “Device State” bar graph displays the status of each device --
whether it is in or out of operation, or in an error state.
The “Indicator Summary” table displays all the indicators (ex.
salinity and brine temperature) that the engineering team will
need to ensure all devices are running smoothly.
The “Chlorine Generated” bar
graph displays the amount of chlorine generated of all 50 devices.
The “Device State” bar graph displays the status of each device --
whether it is in or out of operation, or in an error state.
The “Indicator Summary” table displays all the indicators (ex.
salinity and brine temperature) that the engineering team will
need to ensure all devices are running smoothly.